Franchisee of the Month – August 2020

Mahmood and Yasmin Ali from South Auckland have won Clean Planet’s Franchisee of the Month nationwide for August 2020.


Heartfelt congratulations to Mahmood and Yasmin and the South Auckland and wider Clean Planet team on your well-deserved success.


In the picture – Clean Planet’s CEO, Tony Pattison (left), Mahmood and Yasmin Ali (centre) and South Auckland’s Master Regional Franchise, Brendon Coffey (right)


“Mahmood and Yasmin Ali have been Clean Planet Franchisees for close to 2 years. Originally from the Fiji Islands Mahmood and his family have made New Zealand their home.”


“Mahmood and Yasmin work in both Security and Health Care and have two sons who are studying.” 


“Mahmood and Yasmin have both taken a very pro-active approach to their cleaning business and worked hard to understand their clients and how best to address the client’s needs,” says Brendon, Master Regional Franchise – Clean Planet South Auckland.


 In the picture – Brendon Coffey (left), Mahmood and Yasmin Ali (centre) and Edward Work (right)

“This has resulted in a high level of satisfaction and excellent feedback. Mahmood and Yasmin understand the importance of creating solid relationships and being responsive.”


Once again, many congratulations to Mahmood and Yasmin from Clean Planet for winning Franchisee of the Month nationwide for August 2020. We wish you all the best for your future. 


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